Game Version: v2021.10.08
Distribution(s): Steam
Compatibility: Windows 7 , Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Virus Scan: This trainer has been scanned and is virus and adware free. Some trainers may set off generic or heuristic notifications with certain antivirus or firewall software.
Trainer optionsBattle OptionsAlt + Numpad 1 – Infinite Health
Alt + Numpad 2 – Infinite Horse Health
Alt + Numpad 3 – Infinite Shield Durability
Alt + Numpad 4 – Infinite Party Health
Alt + Numpad 5 – One Hit Kill
Alt + Numpad 6 – Ignore Melee Damage
Map OptionsCtrl + Numpad 1 – Edit Gold
Ctrl + Numpad 2 – Edit Influence
Ctrl + Numpad 3 – Infinite Food
Ctrl + Numpad 4 – Max Morale
Ctrl + Numpad 5 – Trade / Exchange Items Don’t Decrease
Ctrl + Numpad 6 – Max Carrying Capacity
Ctrl + Numpad 7 – Set Game Speed
Ctrl + Numpad 8 – Movement Speed
Ctrl + Numpad 9 – Slow AI Movement Speed
Ctrl + Numpad 0 – Barter Offer Always Accepted
Ctrl + Numpad (.) – Freeze Daytime
Ctrl + F1 – Infinite Skill Experience
Ctrl + F2 – Skill Experience Multiplier
Ctrl + F3 – Infinite Attribute Points
Ctrl + F4 – Infinite Focus Points
Ctrl + F5 – Infinite Renown
Ctrl + F6 – Renown Multiplier
Ctrl + F7 – Infinite Smithy Stamina
Ctrl + F8 – Infinite Smithy Materials
Ctrl + F9 – Unlock All Smithy Parts
Ctrl + F10 – Infinite Troops Experience
Ctrl + F11 – Troops Experience Multiplier
Alt + F5 – Max Character Relationship
Alt + F6 – Persuasion/Conversation Always Succeed
Alt + F7 – Instant Siege Construction
Alt + F8 – One Day Settlements Construction
Alt + F9 – Can Recruit Prisoners At Anytime
download trainer for Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
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