Trainers for game: Afghanistan 11 - download trainers, cheats, codes

Game discription:

Website offers you download new cheats for the game Afghanistan 11, for free, you can do it right on this page! Afghanistan \'11 is the sequel to the highly praised and innovative Vietnam \'65. It enhances and builds on it: Afghanistan 11 changes the paradigm of wargaming and manages to bring Counter-Insurgency and guerrilla warfare to your screen, properly represented thanks to a revolutionary gameplay

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1 420
date icon
Wed 16:57
Afghanistan ´11 Trainer +6 v1.1.2 (Cheat Happens)

Afghanistan ´11 Trainer +6 v1.1.2 (Cheat Happens)

1 621
date icon
Fri 10:43
Afghanistan ´11 Trainer +6 v1.0.7 (Cheat Happens)

Afghanistan ´11 Trainer +6 v1.0.7 (Cheat Happens)

1 883
date icon
Mon 18:04
Afghanistan '11 Trainer +5 v1.0.2 {MrAntiFun}

Afghanistan '11 Trainer +5 v1.0.2 {MrAntiFun}
