Trainers for game: Emergency 2016 - download trainers, cheats, codes

Game discription:

An expanded edition of Emergency 5, a simulation strategy game by Sixteen Tons Entertainment. In the game, we assume control over specialized emergency services yet again, including the fire department, the police, ambulances, and technical services, and our task is to neutralize the effects of accidents, natural disasters, and other threats that happen in four German cities: Berlin, Cologne, Munich, and Hamburg. Compared to the basic version of the game, the gameplay mechanics remain the same. The main highlight of Emergency 2016 is the previously unavailable units and a completely new minicampaign set in the 14th–century Cologne that tells of the struggle against the epidemic of the so-called Black Death. What’s interesting, in the further course of the game, the plague returns in the modern times, and the player’s responsibility is to stop it from spreading. Apart from that, the game features a full set of campaigns and scenarios from the vanilla version but complemented with updates released after its launch.

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Fri 23:35
Emergency 2016 Trainer +2 v2.1.0 {MrAntiFun}

Emergency 2016 Trainer +2 v2.1.0 {MrAntiFun}
