Trainers for game: IS Defense - download trainers, cheats, codes

Game discription:

„IS Defense” is a game set in politically-fictional 2020 – where the expansion of ISIS went out of hand. They took over all of Northern Africa, spreading their genocidal understanding of the world’s order. Strongly armed, vast in numbers and prepared for everything, the Islamic State is launching the invasion upon Europe, over the entire Mediterranean Sea.

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2 610
date icon
Sat 16:58
IS Defense Trainer +5 v1.0 - 1.5 {FutureX}

IS Defense Trainer +5 v1.0 - 1.5 {FutureX}

1 606
date icon
Mon 15:45
IS Defense Trainer +4 v06.05.2016 {MrAntiFun}

IS Defense Trainer +4 v06.05.2016 {MrAntiFun}

3 330
date icon
Wed 10:49
IS Defense Trainer +4 v21.04.2016 {MrAntiFun}

IS Defense Trainer +4 v21.04.2016 {MrAntiFun}
