Trainers for game: Songbringer - download trainers, cheats, codes

Game discription:

Website offers you download new cheats for the game Songbringer ,for free, you can do it right on this page! Songbringer is a scifi action RPG with swords, secrets, dungeons, bosses and stuff. You play the role of protagonist and accidental hero, Roq Epimetheos. With a propensity for partying and making music, he cruises the galaxy with his skybot Jib aboard the ship Songbringer, searching for verdant planets absent the presence of galactic police. When Roq finds the nanosword hidden in a cave on Ekzera, he unwittingly awakens an ancient evil. The sword is pretty fraggin\' sweet though. It... hums.

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Sat 11:58
Songbringer Trainer +5 v1.01 (Cheat Happens)

Songbringer Trainer +5 v1.01 (Cheat Happens)
