Trainers for game: Usurper - download trainers, cheats, codes

Game discription:

Website offers you download new cheats for the game Usurper ,for free, you can do it right on this page! Usurper\'s battle system is built around "Guard"; a system that allows the player to charge through attacks and take risks, rewarding accurate timing and risk assesment. Instead of immediately losing health when the player is hit, they will loose "Guard points" (which function like a regeneration shield). When these run out, the player will take damage normally. However, if the player accurately dodges through incoming attacks, they will turn a large portion of that attack damage into "Guard points", which allows you to turn the tide of the fight, and gain the upper hand. This is a system that will allow anyone to get into the game, yet still provide a high skill ceiling for those players looking for a challenge.

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Tue 12:43
Usurper Trainer +3 v04.16.2018 {MrAntiFun}

Usurper Trainer +3 v04.16.2018 {MrAntiFun}
