Trainers for game: Windward - download trainers, cheats, codes

Game discription:

Website offers you download new cheats for the game Windward, for free, you can do it right on this page! Designed from the start to be a fully procedural co-op game, Windward can be played by yourself, but it truly comes alive when playing with friends. Start by generating a procedural world that will be unique to you, design your own custom faction then sail forward fighting pirates, trading with towns, doing quests or simply exploring - it\'s up to you how you want to play. As you sail about you will find resources you can make use of, upgrades for your ship, new towns that will ask your assistance, and as you get farther out from the starting area -- various pirates that will attempt to take what\'s rightfully yours. Combat experience will let you unlock new talents and abilities to make that particular line of work easier.

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Tue 16:33
Windward Trainer +2 v2016.7.7 {MrAntiFun}

Windward Trainer +2 v2016.7.7 {MrAntiFun}
