AutoForge Trainer +5 v0.2.11 (Cheat Happens)

12-04-2024, 08:08
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AutoForge Trainer for PC game version v0.2.11

Game Version: v0.2.11
Distribution(s): Steam
Compatibility: Windows 7 , Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Virus Scan: This trainer has been scanned and is virus and adware free. Some trainers may set off generic or heuristic notifications with certain antivirus or firewall software.

Trainer options
# Player
NumPad 1: No Damage

# Inventory
NumPad 2: Unlimited Supplies
NumPad 3: Unlimited Use or Multiply Materials

# Deposits
NumPad 4: Unlimited Deposits

# Crafting
NumPad5: Easy Craft

No Damage:
Most things cannot harm you.

Unlimited Supplies:
Pick up then drop a supply and you have the max of that supply and likely all supplies in the inventory.

Unlimited Use or Multiply Materials:
Toggle on then pick up a supply then drop supply in another slot and it doubles. Probably best to leave this off when not needed.

Unlimited Deposits:
Toggle on then harvest from deposit and you will have 9999 of that item in the deposit remaining. Toggle off when not needed.

Easy Craft:
Toggle on and many things in the Crafting screens can be crafted even if you do not have the materials. Toggle off when not crafting. Another purpose of this is you can toggle off other Inventory options, then right click item in inventory to reduce it by half. A good way to remove or decrease items in inventory.

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