Watch Dogs Trainer +38 v1.05.324 {Aleksander D}

5-10-2014, 09:40
cheats for games
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rating minus

Trainer options
HOME - activate Trainer
NumPad 1 - infinite health
NumPad 2 - No Reload
NumPad 3 - infinite ammo
NumPad 4 - infinite money
NumPad 5 - infinite upgrade points
NumPad 6 - infinite battery
NumPad 7 - invisibility in missions
NumPad 8 - infinite focus
NumPad 9 - immortal car Player
NumPad 0 - maximum reputation
NumPad / - maximum experience
NumPad (*) - maximum level Player
Numpad (+) - speed up time
Numpad (-) - slow down time
Numpad (.) - kill with one shot
End - can not see to police
Page Up - break all car
Page Down - infinite energy Spider-tank
Delete - freeze timer at NVZN
Insert - freeze timer in Cash Run
F1 - low level Investigation
F2 - additional time d mode DT
F3 - save position
F4 - teleport
F5 - cancel teleportation
F6 - teleport a custom label
F8 - teleport by coordinates sight weapons
F9 - infinite time breaking
F10 - big player
F11 - small player
F12 - freeze timer in missions
U + NumPad 1 - rapid Fire
U + NumPad 2 - super speed
U + NumPad 3 - no recoil
U + NumPad 4 - set always day
U + NumPad 5 - set always night
U + NumPad 6 - freeze time in the mini game, someone who perepet
U + NumPad 7 - freeze all in place
U + NumPad 8 - mad car

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