The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Trainer +32 v1.22 {LinGon}

6-07-2016, 10:20
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Trainer options
Home - activate Trainer
F1 - infinite health
F2 - infinite oxygen / breath
F3 - infinite power / stamina
F4 - infinite adrenaline
F6 - no toxicity
F7 - add oreans / money by 5000
F8 - add upgrade points by 10
F9 - set 0 upgrade points
F10 - add 10 points experience
F11 - add 100 points experience
END - infinite horse stamina
Delete - low horse fear
Ctrl + V - infinite weapons duration
Ctrl + K - set low weight carred / no overburn
Ctrl + T - increase time
Ctrl + Y - decrease time
Ctrl + U - freeze time
Ctrl + 6 - super speed Player and horse
Ctrl + 7 - super jump horse
Page Up - super speed
Page Down - slow motion
Numpad 0 - easy crafting - no materials neded
Numpad 1 - add bombs
Numpad 2 - add bolts
Numpad 3 - give all keys
Numpad 4 - win the card game - 1 click to win gwent
8 - save position
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation
Insert - do waypoint teleporting

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