ELEX Trainer +17 v1.0.2946.0 (Cheat Happens)

21-12-2017, 10:49
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ELEX Trainer for PC game version 1.0.2946.0

Game Version: 1.0.2946.0
Distribution(s): GOG / Steam
Compatibility: Windows 7 , Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Virus Scan: This cheat has been scanned and is virus and adware free. Some trainers may set off generic or heuristic notifications with certain antivirus or firewall software.

Trainer options
Numpad 1: Infinite Health
Numpad 2: Infinite Mana
Numpad 3: Infinite Stamina
Numpad 4: Unlimited Combo Meter
Numpad 5: Infinite Jetpack
Numpad 6: Change Elexit By 500
Numpad 7: Change Learning Points By 5
Numpad 8: Change Attribute Points By 5
Numpad 9: Change Experience By 250
Numpad 0: Reset Cold Level
Numpad /: One Hit Kills
Numpad *: No Poison / Radioactive / Fall Damage
Numpad -: Perfect Lockpicking & Hacking Skills
Numpad +: Change Quantity Of Selected Item By 5
Numpad .: Set World Speed To (Slowmotion)
Page UP: Set World Speed To (Super Speed)
Page Down: Toggle Fly Camera

Editor Options
World Speed
Selected Item: Quantity
Misc: Charisma
Misc: Current Health
Misc: Maxmium Health
Misc: Current Mana
Misc: Maxmium Mana
Misc: Level
Misc: Experience
Misc: Cold Level
Misc: Learning Points
Misc: Attribute Points
Attribute: Strength
Attribute: Constitution
Attribute: Dexterity
Attribute: Intelligence
Attribute: Cunning
Combat: Melee Weapons
Combat: Ranged Weapons
Combat: Heavy Weapons
Combat: Attack Strength
Combat: Parry Strength
Combat: Heavy Punch
Combat: Grenades
Combat: Jet Pack Attack
Combat: Mutant Killer
Combat: Machine Killer
Survival: Radiation Resistance
Survival: Fire Resistance
Survival: Frost Resistance
Survival: Poison Resistance
Survival: Armor
Survival: Animal Trophies
Survival: Good Eater
Survival: Adventurer
Survival: Sixth Sense
Survival: Extra Hitpoints
Survival: Stamina
Crafting: Lock Picking
Crafting: Locksmith
Crafting: Pickpocket
Crafting: You Only Steal Twice
Crafting: Modify Weapons
Crafting: Goldsmith
Crafting: Gemstone Socket
Crafting: Chemistry
Crafting: Hack
Crafting: Professional Hacker
Crafting: Hold Your Horses
Crafting: Mining
Personality: Attribute Points (Skill)
Personality: Experienced Hunter
Personality: Bookworm
Personality: Practioner
Personality: Haggler
Personality: Combat Skills
Personality: Survival Skills
Personality: Crafting Skills
Personality: Personality Skills
Personality: Group
Personality: Advocate
Personality: Friend of Beasts
Personality: Attribute
Personality: Emotional
Personality: Balanced
Personality: Synthetic
Berserker: Berserker
Berserker: Magic
Berserker: Mana
Berserker: Enchant Weapon
Berserker: Scatter Shot
Berserker: Seeker Shot
Berserker: Camouflage Spell
Berserker: Leather Skin Spell
Berserker: Aspect of the Warrior Spell
Berserker: Blood Transfer Spell
Berserker: Spirit Wolf Spell
Berserker: Sense Life Spell
Berserker: Poisonous Aura Spell
Berserker: Healing Spell
Outlaw: Outlaw
Outlaw: Unscrew
Outlaw: Create Ammunition
Outlaw: Body Chemistry
Outlaw: Low-Tech Weaponsmith
Outlaw: Chem Capacity
Outlaw: Overdrive Stim
Outlaw: Steel Skim Chem
Outlaw: Pick-me-up Stim
Outlaw: Scrap Scanner Chem
Outlaw: Immune Booster Chem
Outlaw: Tough Guy Chem
Outlaw: Mind Charger Stim
Outlaw: Animal Lover Chem
Outlaw: Charisma
Cleric: Clerics
Cleric: PSI
Cleric: Battery
Cleric: High-Tech Weaponsmith
Cleric: One Man Army
Cleric: Suggestion
Cleric: Technophile
Cleric: Cleansing Ability
Cleric: Power Shield
Cleric: One with the Weapon Ability
Cleric: Phasing Ability
Cleric: Power Wave Ability
Cleric: The Last Stand Ability
Cleric: Projection Ability

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