Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition Trainer +20 v28.03.2019 {FLiNG}

29-03-2019, 07:51
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Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition Trainer for PC game version v28.03.2019

Game Version: v28.03.2019
Distribution(s): Steam
Compatibility: Windows 7 , Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Virus Scan: This cheat has been scanned and is virus and adware free. Some trainers may set off generic or heuristic notifications with certain antivirus or firewall software.

Trainer options
Numpad 1 - Infinite Health
Numpad 2 - Max Devil Trigger gauge
Numpad 3 - One Hit SSS
Numpad 4 - Maximum Style Points
Numpad 5 - Reset Mission Time
Numpad 6 - Freeze Bloody Place Timer
Numpad 7 - Maximum Exceed (Nero)
Numpad 8 - Maximum Concentration (Vergil)
Numpad 9 - Instant Charge Shot
Numpad 0 - One Hit Kill
Numpad (.) - save position
Numpad (+) - Teleport
Numpad (-) - Cancel Teleportation
Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Infinite Red Orbs
Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Infinite proud Souls
Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Unlock All Missions
Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Maximum Disaster Gauge (Dante)
Ctrl + Numpad 5 - Max Royal Guard Gauge (Dante)
Page Up - Super Speed
Page Down - Super Jump
Insert - Infinite Air Jump
F1/F2/F3/F4 - 2/4/8/16x Orbs
Home - Disable All

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